It any one of these wheels gets disfunctional, the train will not move. In the same way both environment development are inevitable for human existence. Man can't make development at the cust of hi environment.
Our natural environment includes all living and non-living things like last forests, minerals, water bodies, the atmosphere, etc. Some of these resources are renewable and others are not renewable. Non-renewable resources get depleted and ultimately enharta ith their continuous use.
Even the renewable resources may get degraded or polluted evelopment has raised serious problems as deforestation, global warming, toxic pollutina and many more harmful phenonen a every all over the world.
Economic development is a must for any country It leads to the increase in the rate national income. Increase in national income would result only from increased production of goods and services.
This is possible only with greater consumption of natural resources th land, forest, fuel, etc. Thus reckless and thoughtless use of these resources would cause the exhaustion and degradation. In the long run it will reduce productivity and hinder scomme growth and as a result our future generations will not get enough resources for their use.
It will adversely affect their output, income, and living standards. So environmental degradation met only affects us but will also have its adverse effect on our future generations.
Maintaining balance between development and environment is more challenging a developing countries because they are lacking in advanced technology.
Though some of the countries have begun to specialize in pollution free manufacturing, particularly in products which have export potential. However it is also extremely important for developing countries ta achieve a high level of economic growth to solve their socio-economic problems.
But the mar challenge is how to ensure development by maintaining a balance between environment and development.. The need for sustainable development arises. Environment considerations and pollution control are part of sustainable development. Hence they are needed to be fully integrated in socio-economic policies and programmes.
We cannot achieve high level of economic growth the cost of environment degradation because it will result in long run retardation of growth Therefore while formulating a development policy, a balance needs to be maintained betwee the requirements of the present and the needs of the future generations. So we should try conserve resources.
We must make efficient use of natural resources. We should use renewable resources economically. And we should continuously try to develop and renewable resources.
Sustainable development requires strong international commitme and co-operation because ecology and environment go beyond national and geographics boundaries. Concludingly we can say that development is a must for life but we can't imagine without environment. So development should not take place at the cost of environment.